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Support for Parents

We want you to be assured that your child is safe and cared for during their time at Sandwell College, and we want you to be involved in their education. You’re more than welcome to attend open days and interviews with your child.


Our students do well when there is a close and supportive relationship between students, tutors and parents. We positively welcome parents who take an active interest in their child’s progress. To make sure that students have every chance to succeed and build self-confidence, we’ll encourage you to come to parents’ evenings and hear about your child’s progress.

What’s it like to be a student at Sandwell College?

Students are required to complete all aspects of their Study Programme which will be relevant to their individual needs and career ambitions.
- All students will need to complete a minimum of 30 hours of meaningful work experience which relates to their main area of study.
- Students must study GCSE English and Maths if they haven’t achieved a grade 4 or above at school. If they don’t already have these qualifications they will need to attend Functional Skills classes in both subjects and continue to prepare themselves for work and life.
- Students also take part in various activities such as attending talks, taking part in sports, going on educational trips to broaden their horizons and learning various aspects of growing up and developing their personality.

We are well aware learning in a college is very different from a school. Learning in an adult environment can create anxiety and nervousness for you and/or your child. We have taken steps to ensure young people feel safe in the college environment and settle in easily. We have a large number of well-qualified and highly experienced staff who look after the welfare of young people so that they integrate and thrive in the college. We assure you that your child will be safe and well cared for during their time at Sandwell College.

  • What can I do to help?

    There are many areas in which you can be highly effective in helping your child succeed, and be fully involved in their education. You can reassure your child about the care we can provide for them or, if you have any concerns you think we should know about, you can get in touch with us by speaking to your child’s personal tutor, or our Welfare or Safeguarding team.

    Attendance and punctuality are an important part of everyone’s life. You can help your child to plan their journey so that they attend College regularly and on time. This is an important trait for working life that employers value highly.

    Our on-site facilities give students access to real-life working environments. This could include structured voluntary work as well. You could help your child to find work placement/s to enhance their experience.

    You could encourage your child to value the importance of English and Mathematics and to continue to develop these skills. You can also encourage them to develop new interests by taking part in different activities.

    From time to time we celebrate various achievements and festivals, and you can support your child by attending these celebration events. We will also invite you to College to give you regular reports on your child’s welfare and progress on their course. We will provide you with frequent updates about your child’s achievements and reports to help track their progress and keep you informed. We would like you to review these reports.

    If you are not happy with the level of achievement and progress of your child, we would be delighted to talk things through with you. We welcome your views on how we can work better together to improve the quality of education.

    We invite you to support your child to make the most of their time while studying at Sandwell College.

  • Can you offer me any financial support?

    To help students we offer financial help through bursaries and free bus passes. We can also loan laptops if your child doesn’t have access to one.

    Our Welfare Team offers practical, impartial information on education and personal matters which enables students to get the support they need to succeed. They are available to advise on personal problems, Financial Support – Learner Support Fund, state benefits, homelessness, childcare, student rights and staying safe. The Welfare Team supports students to access financial and practical support including bursaries, travel passes and meal allowances.

    Support available will depend on individual circumstances, so for more detailed information please go to our Support section.

  • What range of support is available for my child?

    THE HUB, on Floor Three, is a one-stop shop for Welfare, Finance, Study and Support Services. It’s also the centre from where we run our library services, and includes a quiet-study zone. If your child has a question, a problem or a need of help, this is the place for them to come.

    The Mentoring Team support students who have mental health/emotional wellbeing needs, such as anxiety, to access College services and help them to feel comfortable within the College environment. Student Support Officers are a signposting point, identifying other services that students can access including the Welfare Team and Safeguarding.

    Teams of specialist teachers, learning coaches and learning support assistants can support students struggling with their learning. Careers Advisers can support learners to secure university places and look for work or work experience. Your child will be invited to careers fairs and university open days, and will be offered 1:1 interviews and group tutorials to help them to prepare for their future.

  • What we promise to you

    • A supportive team of tutors, expert in their fields, who provide excellent teaching
    • Ongoing guidance and support to guide your child to secure work, progress to further education, apprenticeships and university
    • We will help your child prepare for a successful future.

    The most important aspect of any young person’s education is that they gain the qualifications, knowledge and skills that they need to succeed in our highly competitive modern world.

    We hope that you can support us to bring the best out of your child.

  • Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

    We have a specialist team of Career Advisers who can support learners in thinking about careers and their next steps, securing university places and looking for work or apprenticeships. Your child will be invited to Careers and Higher Education Fairs, and will have access to online careers packages to help them research and understand career and labour market information. Your child will be offered 1:1 interviews and group tutorials to help them to prepare for their future.

    If you would like to book a careers appointment for your child, or if you would like advice from one of our specialists, please contact the Careers Team on 0121 667 5035.

    Further information and links to our Careers Policy, Careers Programme, guides and useful websites can be found on the Careers Information Advice and Guidance page.

  • Enrichment

    A range of trips and activities will be offered to learners throughout the academic year. We require parental permission in order for learners below the age of 18 to attend. We also require permission from your child’s tutor. Tutors require learners’ work to be up to date and attendance/behaviour at college to be good before these requests are granted.
    Students can take part and even organise events linked to themes such as diversity: Black History Month, Mental Health Awareness, International Women’s Day, Charities; there are a range of clubs and sports for learners to enjoy led by our Student Liaison team.

    Support to help young people develop and be prepared for life outside college: regular talks from expert speakers around important subjects such as Knife Crime and Sexual Harassment; also inspirational speakers and speakers around careers and finance. Organisations associated with health and wellbeing visit the college monthly to offer support and advice.

    Student Voice: learners can have their voice heard and develop their knowledge of democracy through the Student Union and Student Council.

  • Faith and Contemplation

    Our Multi-faith and Quiet Contemplation rooms are quiet spaces for people to sit and contemplate, to pray, to take a few moments to de-stress or just have a think about things.

    Sandwell College Chaplaincy is available for the pastoral care of all members of the college community, regardless of their faith or beliefs. It aims to provide care and support where spiritual needs arise. Our Christian, Islamic and Sikh chaplains provide someone to talk to when you need a confidential ear, someone who can support you in emotional or spiritual issues, and – of course – someone to explore your faith with.

  • What To Do If Things Don’t Go To Plan

    If there is anything you need us to resolve, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible so that we can help put it right. We want to learn from our experiences and improve our service to you. If you do have concerns, most issues can be sorted out by talking to tutors and Heads of Department.

  • Who To Contact

    College 0121 556 6000
    Welfare 0121 667 5073
    Safeguarding 0121 667 5101
    Learning Support (Study Link) 0121 667 5064
    Attendance Line 0121 667 5028
    Careers Team 0121 667 5035

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