The best business talent and innovation was celebrated last night at The Sandwell Business Awards ceremony! The high-profile event at Sandwell College’s Central Campus was hosted by ITV Central presenter Sameena Ali-Khan.
Congratulations to all the award winners!
- Bigpaws.co won the Start-up Business in Sandwell Award, sponsored by the Black Country Chamber of Commerce
- Howells Patent Glazing won the Business Innovation Award, sponsored by Sandwell Business Solutions Centre
- Complete Kidz won the Contribution to the Local Community Award, sponsored by Paycare
- The Ace Academy won the Education Business Award, presented by main sponsor Liberty Engineering
- esprit UK won the Sandwell’s Top 50 Fastest Growing Business Award, presented by Think Sandwell
- Howells Patent Glazing won the Commitment to Apprenticeships Award, presented by Sandwell Business Ambassadors
- Paul Hull of KMB Shipping Group won The Sandwell Business Person of the Year Award, presented by Sandwell Young Carers charity